emily kokal: The art of living on the edge..just kidding, kind of.. we are all dancers, clothes makers, drawing and painting-ers, actresses, comedians.. Theresa has a pretty cool full time fantasy world she lives in with her son Sirius B..
What are the last records you bought and who are you listening to right now?
emily: sybille Baier is amazing... kind of a semi-happier Nico.. Rainbow Arabia's new record, Mind Raft ep from Deradoorian (one of the ladies from Dirty Projectors, Wu-Tang and Aphex Twin0, definitely more into Bowie than usual these days..
What do you guys pull your inspiration from?
emily: every little thing.. really. we come into our practice space and work it out.. i think we inspire each other quite a lot.
Whats your most vivid memory revolving around music.
emily: dancing hippies to festival music up and down the west coast selling tye-dyes with me mama.. also playing my grandmothers piano for hours a day when visiting her for the summer, learning how to make up songs.
Vinyl or CD?
emily: vinyl is alive
I love how far out your music sounds… What does your pedal board look like?
emily: i've got an old blue boss vibrato pedal, an echo park echo pedal, an EQ..sometimes an electro-harmonix chorus pedal or holy grail reverb..
Best show you've ever been to...and why?
emily: midnight show at the Oregon Country Fair...psychedelics and Pink Floyds 'dark side of the moon' show.